Saturday, March 22, 2008

'In Bruges' : A Review

After watching this debut film from director and writer Martin Mcdonagh for the second time last night i thought it was about time that i blogged my review.

The film starts off with the strong 'dub' accent narration of Colin Farrell, it really sets a mood for the piece and tells you immediately that you're not watching a comedy, well not the sort you're used to anyway.

The film mixes great character develepment and raw emotion with some of the most outrageously dark humour imaginable. Think 'Fight Club' but funnier. The two hitmen Ken and Ray (Played to perfection by Brendan Gleeson & Colin Farrell) are comparable to Jules and Vincent of 'Pulp Fiction' their constant bickering and hilarious disagreements about the wonder of Bruges are what really makes this movie so funny.

As i said before, this film is not your usual comedy, don't go to it expecting an all out laugh-a-minute comedy because you will not enjoy it to the same effect than if you go with a clear mind. What we have here is the comedy and emotion after a job gone horribly wrong. Colin Farrell's character shows real depth that we haven't seen from him since the likes of 'Phone Booth' and begs the question why haven't we seen himin more decent films. I think we can thank Oliver Stone and the stinker 'Alexander' for that.

The Film mixes comedy and drama so beautifully together that it's a shock that this is Director Martin McDonagh's first full-length film to date,( He did win an Oscar however, for his short film 'Six Shooter' in 2004)there's no doubt about it Mcdonagh is a real talent(watch this space).

The cinematography is beautifully woven in between scenes with majestic shots of Bruges.

As the story progresses we find out more about the botched job and some of the consequences that might be held in store, with laughs, shocks,breathtaking action,raw emotion and a bit of romance thrown in, this movie really does have everything. All of these aspects lead up to the superb climax of the film that will have you on the edge of your seat, I'll say no more.

In short, 'In Bruges' is a terrific film. The acting is brilliant, the setting and plot superb, the screenplay is excellent and the cinematography is second to none. You'll be thrilled,You'll laugh till your stomach hurts, you might even shed a tear or two.

'In Bruges' is a great night out and i urge you to watch it next chance you get.


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