Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A new post, Finally!

Okay, it's gotten to the ridiculous stage where i haven't written anything in ages, this is hopefully going to be a step towards getting back into the habit. My new year's resolution for 2009 was to finally finish my novel (which i haven't touched since January). I have written a mere twelve chapters of since christmas 2006, i know it's terrible. So taking into account that i would like to have about 20 chapters written when I finish it, I should probably start soon. Anyone that's interested in reading any of the chapters i have written so far can email me at richiekeaney@gmail.com as any criticism would be greatly appreciated.

So, what's happened in my life since my last post? I'm single, still working in Easons Bookstore, still worryingly obsessed with Muse, hating school and loving my running. In the past month i have had a 250 euro oxegen ticket stolen from me and finally recovered after two weeks of frantic searching and police statements. I have qualified for the indoor athletics all ireland's in both my events (60m and 200m) which i'm greatly anticipating.

I'm going to set a reasonable target for myself to post something here atleast once a week. These may vary from random thoughts about music,movies or books i'm reading. I might even throw in the odd short story here and there.

So enough of that, i'm going to have a shower and then try to write!

Au Revoir!