Monday, October 20, 2008

Robert Downey Jr. = Philip Marlowe?

This isn't exclusive news or anything so i'm sorry to those i may have excited by the subject title.. this is just (what i believe to be) an interesting thought...
Raymond Chandler's books are fantastic, terrific writing and some brilliant stories.. apart from one or two great films, the books were never really done to justice on screen. The Big sleep is an amazing film and maybe because i think Bogart suited that role so perfectly i haven't watched any of the others where he didn't reprise the role.. This however, really made me think...

Following his sentence in prison for drug abuse, it is amazing that the once oscar nominated actor Robert Downey Jr. is more famous than ever, since his release he has shown his salt in films such as Iron Man, Tropic Thunder, Zodiac and my inspiration for this post, 2005's Kiss Kiss Bang Bang which was largely a 21st century stylised story in the vein of Raymond Chandler's famous private detective Philip Marlowe.

I think Downey Jr. really showed his ability to act in that sort of role and so naturally speak that sort of dialogue that him as phillip marlowe almost seems perfect.

The fact that Chandler's novels were only really done to such great justice a handful of times may be due to the fact that although they are brilliant novels, they aren't that well known. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang really showed us though that that sort of film has a market, maybe not the largest one but with Downey Jr's popularity growing to astronomical proportions and the rise in remakes being churned out by hollywood at the moment, is it so unbelievable that this could really happen?

Okay, i have to take into account that there might not be a market- no matter how much i would love there to be-for a complete adaption of any of the novels, set in 1930's L.A.. I accept that the stories are quite dated in the eyes of the majority of the movie going public. The last really successful noir made was L.A Confidential ( a terrific film if you haven't seen it) which was done so well but did have a lot more action going for it than the marlowe mysteries would.

Just think about it though, Downey Jr. could so easily fit into this role, his acting almost screams for him to be cast in such a noir( and he was in the somewhat unsuccessful 'The Singing Detective' in 2003) that it seems as if he was born in the wrong century..

He is currently filming a reboot of Sherlock Holmes with Guy Ritchie which shows that he's willing to play such characters, maybe this thought is a bit late but i really think (not to flatter myself in anyway) that it is certaintly one to be acknowledged..
Fans of Chandler, Downey Jr. or anyone who is nice enough to read this post. Please feel free to post your opinions on this and ideas for who could play who if such a film was ever made.
Just think, how great would it be to hear Downey Jr. sneer this famous reply?
"How do you like your scotch Mr. Marlowe?"
"In A Glass"